Sunday, June 25, 2006

looking back

i've only got a few more days here. the picture b. posted is good advice. i want to live each day fully, with no regrets. i want to live in the present. here is another good post on the topic.

how did i spend my days? i hope well. i'm glad i took time to talk to mom, take pictures of her flowers, help her with housework. i'm glad i had some good chats with dad. i'm glad that when this bright blue mailbox caught my eye, i turned my car around and went back to take a picture. i have a feeling that in the grand scheme of things, the fact that i cleaned and cleaned and cleaned while here won't matter much. the hugs and conversations will be much more important. it's hard for me to believe and act on that. i'm so addicted to accomplishment.

for now, i'm off to put some ointment on my poison ivy. because i took time to pick up the kittens and pet them, and they frolic in the stuff.

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