Wednesday, January 31, 2007


unless your heart is undivided, you can't do someone much good.

i'm learning that if i "befriend" someone but don't really enjoy their company, that they're not stupid. they won't enjoy my company either--in fact, they'll be kinda pissed when they figure out they were just my charity project.

extrapolating from that, i suspect that the money i grudgingly dole out doesn't do nearly as much good as a gift given with an open hand and open heart.

if you have to wash the dishes, do it well, and find a way to enjoy it. or something like that. i know of at least one person who will object to me picking dishwashing as an example.

i'm not saying we should only do fun, easy, recreational stuff. but do everything you do with your whole heart. it's the only way to live. abundantly.

i'm finding ways to stop doing things i can't do whole-heartedly. its energizing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lovely thought, and so true. thank you :)